Saturday, December 10, 2011

Grammy's Butterflies

So much has happened since my last post this summer. We're closing in on the end of the year, and I have so much to say! After my 1/2 marathon race in Nashville, I was blessed to travel up north to Indiana to see my Grammy St. John. I remember calling my mom as I was traveling to Nashville for the race, and she didn't have the heart to tell me that Grammy had just suffered a stroke and now Hospice was coming in to help. I drove the short 4 hour trip from Nashville, Tennesee to Columbus, Indiana and was so happy to see my Grammy. It had been over a year and a 1/2 since I last saw my family; and I had been praying all that time for God to please let me see my Grammy before she passed away. Minnie and I pulled in my Grammy's driveway, and I was still wearing my MAGIC race shirt and finisher's medal from the race.

My mom was there at her house, and explained that Grammy was in poor health. Still hopeful, I had Minnie on my hip, and a camera in one hand as I walked down the hall to greet my Grammy..hoping I'd get a photo of Minnie with Grammy. As soon as I walked in Grammy's room, I knew this was it. Minnie was immediately upset and I took her out of the room and had my brother watch her as I visited with Grammy. I returned to Grammy's room,.. heartbroken to see her on oxygen, laying in her bed. She couldn't speak full sentences, but she knew what was going on around her.

I remember just kneeling at her bedside, holding her sweet hand in mine, and prayed the Lord's prayer. I kissed her hands, and forehead, smelled her hair again, saw her beautiful blue eyes, it was home. I kept telling her that I loved her and that God was here. I asked her if she wanted me to sing a song, and she nodded her head "yes". So I sang "Alright for Now", a song by Tom Petty. (I always used to sing it to my girls when they were really young at bedtime). She smiled as I sang the song to her, I remember that. I remember her telling me clearly "I love you" and "Thank you". I cried so much, like the night I was losing my dad back in 2004. This all happened the night of April 30th, 2011. I left Indiana on the following Monday, May 2nd, got back to Texas on the 3rd. And on May 4th, my Grammy had passed away. She lead an amazing life, had 3 wonderful children, 5 grand children, and 4 great-grandchildren, and a great husband. I hope and pray I can live as long as she did and have a full life like she did. I'll miss Grammy's sweet tea she made, and stories from the past she told me as we drank our tea. I'll miss her beautiful smile and laugh. That woman was happy every single day of her life, always positive and loving. Grammy also always loved butterflies. I remember when I was training for the 1/2 marathon in Texas, as I ran on my the spring I always noticed these pretty butterflies on purple flowers in my neighbor's yards. So, I had a big smile on my face when I ran last week for the first time in months....I ran 3 1/2 miles on November 28th  (was quite sore afterwards, but well worth it!)..and when I came I was walking up to my front door, I glanced to the side of me...and I saw one beautiful butterfly. I stopped, smiled, and said "Thanks Grammy". In spirit, she is still with me, helping me run my race. I'm so grateful to look back, and realize that God sure did answer my prayer to see my Grammy, I got a chance to say goodbye and tell her I love her. April 30th, 2011 will always hold a special meaning to me, Nashville will always hold a special memory for me. Which is why I'm doing it all over again in 2012! As long as my body allows me to run, I'll be in Nashville every spring, running with family and friends...for God, MAGIC, for Minnie, and Jocelyn. Thank you Almighty God for answering my prayers and letting this beautiful journey unfold and continue with "wings for the journey".